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Expat Lifestyle In Costa Rica

Expat Lifestyle in Costa Rica: Discover The Pura Vida Lifestyle

Every time we ride the $0.60 bus from our humble little apartment, we head to one of the most beautiful beaches. The road to Playa Manuel Antonio has amazing views. The waves crash onto the shore, surrounded by palm trees and jungle. We feel lucky to call Costa Rica our home. It might not be the cheapest place, but it’s worth it for the experience.

The cost of living here as an expat is high, but what you get is beyond price. Everywhere you look, there’s wildlife and nature to amaze you. We see the ocean and jungle wilds every day, with monkeys and sloths right outside our window. It’s all part of the “pura vida” lifestyle in Costa Rica.

Key Takeaways

  • Costa Rica offers an affordable and rewarding expat lifestyle, despite being an expensive developing country.
  • The “pura vida” philosophy permeates the culture, emphasizing a relaxed and appreciative way of life.
  • Stunning natural beauty, from beaches to jungles, is a daily part of an expat’s experience in Costa Rica.
  • Expats can enjoy a range of outdoor activities and amenities at relatively low costs compared to other countries.
  • The expat community in Costa Rica is vibrant and welcoming, providing support and resources for newcomers.

Embracing the Pura Vida Philosophy

Ever heard of “pura vida”? It’s a phrase you’ll hear everywhere in Costa Rica, especially in towns like Quepos. People use it to say hello and goodbye. They also say it to thank each other. It means “pure life” but stands for much more. It talks about the cheerful way of living here. Life is simple, pure, and beautiful in Costa Rica.

Pura Vida: A Mantra for Life

In Manuel Antonio, English is quite common, but I try to speak some Spanish too. Even with my basic Spanish, “pura vida” helps in many situations. This phrase connects people and reflects a shared value. Life seems easier here. Everyone enjoys simple things like rain and watching sloths. Hammock days by the beach are normal. Life moves slowly and feels peaceful here. This is the true meaning of pura vida.

Simple Pleasures and Gratitude

Life here is about enjoying small things. Rain is welcomed, and seeing a sloth stops traffic. Spending time in a hammock on the beach is common. Things move slowly and with calm. This is what pura vida is really about.

Connecting with Nature and Community

Costa Rica is full of natural beauty, like the Monteverde Cloud Forest and Arenal Volcano. It’s a place where the pura vida lifestyle and culture are key. They stress the value of being with others and living simply. Choosing this mindful life can lower stress and boost happiness. It even helps in building good relationships. Studies from Harvard agree that living this way has great benefits.

nature connection

A Typical Day in the Life of an Expat

In this small town, life moves quickly, kind of funny for a slow place. Each morning, I do yoga. It’s either with an ocean view or at the local spot. Classes are $15, but half-price for us new folks. If you prefer the gym, that’s $50 a month.

Water lovers have it good here. From surfing to kayaking, all free of charge.

Afternoons at the Beach

My afternoons are all about the beach. I surf, kayak, paddle board, and swim. This is where I find my peace, under the sun and shade of the long coast.

There’s always a quiet spot to relax and unwind.

Evening Serenity and Local Cuisine

Evenings are calm here. People sleep early to avoid the heat. The mornings are magical, cool and peaceful.

A ride from the coastal breeze and your morning coffee is a great start. Breakfast doesn’t need to cost much. If you eat local, it’s affordable. Casados, a combo meal, costs $6 to enjoy out. Pair it with a $3 fresh fruit smoothie.

beach activities

Cost of Living for Expats in Costa Rica

Living in Costa Rica doesn’t have to be expensive. It all depends on how you choose to live. Those who adapt to the local lifestyle often find great savings. For example, I only spend $350 a month on rent for my place in Manuel Antonio. This includes essential things like air conditioning and hot water.

In Costa Rica, you can live well without spending a lot. My home, though simple, meets all my needs. It’s fully furnished, in a secure area, and not far from beautiful beaches.

Affordable Housing Options

Cheap living is quite possible in Costa Rica. Housing here is more affordable than in North America. You can rent or buy homes in great locations without breaking the bank. In Jacó, a favorite spot for expats, you can find rentals from $400 up to luxury condos for $2,500 or more a month.

These places often come with cool perks like pools and gyms. This makes it a good deal for the money you pay.

Utilities and Transportation Costs

Keeping your home running won’t stretch your budget too thin in Costa Rica. A one-bedroom apartment’s utilities cost about $56-68 a month. This includes electricity, water, and internet. Plus, getting around is easy on the wallet. A bus ride to San José is less than $5. Or, if you’re in Jacó, a small cab trip can cost just about $1.85.

Local Dining and Groceries

Eating local is not only a great experience, but it also saves you money. At the weekly farmers’ market, you’ll find fresh produce at bargain prices. A week’s worth of food for two can cost around $40-50.

Local eateries, known as “sodas,” are also very affordable. A full meal with meat, rice, beans, and salad goes for about $4.50. Without meat, it’s even cheaper at $3.60.

Local market in Costa Rica

Expat Lifestyle in Costa Rica

Small town life in Costa Rica is close-knit and beautiful. In this expat life in Costa Rica, everyone knows each other. They take time to greet others. Life is simple. People love the rain and don’t mind sloths causing traffic. Days spent on the beach in a hammock are normal. It’s a calm and peaceful way of living, called pura vida.

Living in Costa Rica expatriate communities has its challenges. The heat and humidity here might be tough at first. Also, tasks can take longer due to the slow pace. But, the benefits outweigh these cultural integration problems. Many enjoy the simple, beautiful life in Costa Rica.

expat life in costa rica

Retiring in Paradise: Costa Rica for Retirees

Costa Rica is a top choice for many seeking a calm retirement. It offers beautiful weather, friendly locals, and stunning natural surroundings. The country is known for its affordable and high-quality healthcare system. Retirees enjoy world-class medical care at lower costs than in the United States.

Affordable Healthcare

Costa Rica’s healthcare system is both accessible and of high quality. Both the public and private sectors serve retirees well. Those in the Pensionado Program benefit from especially affordable healthcare.

Favorable Climate and Outdoor Lifestyle

The country boasts a warm climate throughout the year. Temperatures range between 72°F and 82°F (22°C – 28°C). This climate is perfect for outdoor activities like hiking, swimming, and gardening. It allows retirees to lead a relaxing and active lifestyle amid the country’s natural beauty.

Retirement Communities and Amenities

Retiring in Costa Rica also means access to varied retirement communities and amenities. Choices include golf courses, yoga studios, and cultural centers. Gated communities offer security and special living features. Different towns, such as Atenas and Tamarindo, provide unique retirement options.

The country is also home to a friendly expat community. This makes it easy for retirees to make friends and build a support system. They can fully enjoy the pura vida lifestyle in this tropical haven.

Retiring in Costa Rica

Finding Community as an Expat

Moving to a new country is hard, but there’s a expat community in Costa Rica that can help. Many people move to Costa Rica for its kind people, beautiful nature, and calm way of life. One helpful step is joining an expat group or organization. These offer friendship and support, and they help people get used to the local ways.

Expat Groups and Organizations

Internations is a great place for advice, making friends, and fun events for expats. The Women’s Club of Costa Rica is also popular, especially for women in the country. It hosts meetups, lets people volunteer, and lets women who moved to Costa Rica bond with each other.

Online Resources and Social Media

Besides real-life groups, many expats use social media groups and forums to connect. These online places are good for asking questions, sharing stories, and finding people with similar hobbies or needs. The expat community in Costa Rica is known for providing great help and info for those finding their way in a new place.

Integrating with Local Culture

Getting to know the culture makes the expat life here even better. Going to cultural events, learning the local language, and joining in community activities are top ways to do this. It’s all about embracing the Pura Vida lifestyle and making real friendships.

expat communities in costa rica

Navigating the Move to Costa Rica

Moving to Costa Rica involves many decisions. First, you will need to choose the right residency to live there long-term. There are different types, like pensionado for retirees and rentista for those with a steady income. Make sure to look into each one to find what fits you best. Each option has its own rules and advantages.

Residency Options and Requirements

After you pick your residency, you’ll need to find a place to live. You can choose from apartments, condos, houses, or villas. The price of housing varies by where you are and what it offers. Remember, housing in Costa Rica is often more affordable than in other places.

Also, think about healthcare. The country has public and private systems. Private healthcare is known for being quicker and of higher quality. It’s smart to look into your healthcare options and plan ahead before moving.

Finding Housing and Healthcare

Living in Costa Rica is usually cheaper than the U.S. But, the cost of living can change a lot depending on where you live and how you like to spend your money. Think about costs like food, transport, and utilities. Keep in mind imported items might cost more than local ones. Planning your budget well will help you transition smoothly and enjoy life in Costa Rica.

Budgeting for Daily Expenses

With over 20 years of experience in Costa Rica, Gap Real Estate is here to give you top-notch service. Whether you want to invest, retire, or just experience the Pura Vida, our team will help you find your dream home.

residency options

Get in touch with us to learn about your Costa Rica residency options, housing and healthcare, and how to budget for your new life in this beautiful place. You can reach us at WhatsApp +506 4001-6413 or [email protected].


Living in Costa Rica is a unique adventure many people love. The Pura Vida lifestyle focuses on chilling out, being with others, and enjoying nature. This makes it a top choice for those who want a peaceful life. It’s true you might face some tough things like getting used to a new way of life and limited jobs for expats. But, the low healthcare costs, great weather, and friendly expat groups make it pretty appealing.

Moving here needs good planning to go well. Costa Rica stands out with its no taxes on foreign earnings, great way of life, and various climates. Bigger perks include top-notch internet and easy travel. These features pull in those looking for a comfy life.

Yet, moving here also means facing some hurdles. These can be in dealing with paperwork, rough roads, understanding the local language, and the living costs. Luckily, the Costa Rica Immigration Experts are here to help with their advice and support. So whether you dream of enjoying the Guanacaste beaches or joining lively expat scenes in Puntarenas, Costa Rica promises a fulfilling journey.


What is the cost of living for expats in Costa Rica?

In Costa Rica, the cost of living varies. It can be cheaper than many places. Housing, utilities, and local foods are often affordable. But, if you buy imported items or use services for expats, it might be pricier.

What are the healthcare options for expats in Costa Rica?

Costa Rica offers public and private healthcare. The public system, Caja, has good yet slower care. Private healthcare is quicker and more comfortable but costs more. Before moving, it’s wise to know your health care options.

What are the residency requirements for foreigners in Costa Rica?

In Costa Rica, expats can choose different residency options. These include retiree, investor, and entrepreneur statuses. Each choice comes with specific requirements and benefits. It’s crucial to choose the right one for your needs.

What is the expat community like in Costa Rica?

Costa Rica hosts a lively and friendly expat scene. Expats often join local groups like Internations or the Women’s Club. This helps them meet others and adjust to a new life. Online platforms also offer a way for them to connect and share tips.

What are the benefits of retiring in Costa Rica?

Retiring in Costa Rica has many perks. There’s affordable health care and a great climate.Outdoor activities are abundant. Plus, the warm weather supports a year-round active lifestyle.

What are some of the challenges of living as an expat in Costa Rica?

Living in Costa Rica isn’t without its challenges. The weather, which is hot and humid, might not suit everyone. The slower lifestyle can also be an adjustment. Jobs for expats might be hard to find, and learning the new culture and language takes effort.

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